5:00 p.m, Review Agenda, Public Comment-Deb Porter concerned about library move happening so fast without planning in order to facilitate the proposed Vermont Natural History Museum rental.
Review Minutes: 9/10/2024 3:00 pm, 9/10/2024 4:30 pm, 9/18/2024 Other Business Highway Department Update Superintendent Position: A candidate was offered and did not accept the position. Robyn, Hilma, and Will all reached out to him to let him know the SB was open to discuss any concerns he may have. Robyn will speak with the Colrain administrator about the possibility of sharing resources. The SB also discussed having a part time clerical person with the skills that may be appropriate for the administrative requirements of the position vs the mechanical requirements. The skill combination required is not easy to find in a single individual. Plowing: A person in Colrain with a CDL is interested in plowing. Nathan Clark is also expected to plow again this year. Schedule: SB member, Will Emmet, has been informally acting as highway superintendent while Steve Thane is away. Will and Jason Lively will be weed whacking on Friday. Salt Shed Progress Update
Email Requests
Library Move - Thank yous to Tim Lively, Highway Dept, and Kate Barrows East-West Rail Study - SB agreed to sign on in support No executive session.
4:30 p.m. Call Meeting to Order, Review Agenda 4:30 p.m. School Committee Update: Budge Litchfield
Review Minutes: 8/27/2024, approved Other Business Landfill Mowing—vote to award bid for mowing
"8.5.2 The keeping of more than two (2) unregistered vehicles except by a person licensed under M.G.L. Ch. 140, § 59, on any premises shall not be permitted. 8.5.3 A special permit to keep more than two (2) unregistered vehicles, on any premises, may be granted by the Select Board. All such permits granted shall not run with the land or be granted in perpetuity. (amended November 5, 2019) " 6:00 p.m. Appointment: Wanda Mooney re: National Grid project
Police Chief, John Doherty Co-Responder program: Ashfield obtained a grant from the Dept of Mental Health. The program has a clinician go along with a police officer on a call with the goal of avoiding potential arrest for problems that can be handled with the aid of a clinician. John is looking for a signature to continue to be part of the agreement. Select Board will sign the agreement. |
January 2026