6:00 p.m. Call Meeting to Order, Review Agenda, Review Minutes: 5/7/24, 5/11/2024, 5/21/2024
Public Comment - 4 Mohawk Estates members concerned about the cost of broadband connection, One resident asked about Community Solar [Will to look into the status of the project] and resident expressed appreciation to Hilma for her assistance. 6:15 p.m. Parks & Recreation Committee — Mike Cucchiara, Chair
Jacobs Road
Accepted SB volunteers for Heath Representation for FRCOG programs and as SB Liassons to Boards and Committees.
ATM Continuation: MTRSD proposed agreement changes
Items not already covered above Resignations from Boards and Committees
There was a period of silence for the loss of Victoria Burrington, Chair of the Council on Aging.
Notes 6:00 p.m. Call Meeting to Order, Review Agenda, Review Minutes: 5/7/24, 5/11/2024 Public Comment - None Welcome to new Select Board member [Will Emmet] Annual Town Meeting—Wrap-Up
Finance Committee vacancy
Boards Clerk for BoH, Conservation Commission, Planning Board, Zoning Board of Appeals
6:00 p.m. Call Meeting to Order
Review Agenda 6:05 Appointment for Accountant Position—Ben Gelb
SB to offer permanent Boards position to the other candidate for accountant. 6:45 p.m. Appointment with School Committee Representative—Budge Litchfield
Annual Town Meeting—planning and review with Finance Committee The main discussion was about the MTRSD Amendment to the district agreement
Operating Budget (Article 3) Other Business Center Fence Installation— for the Pickleball court to keep balls from going into the brush Accountant Software Purchase-- HYPA Lease—Approved Town Nurse Job Description—review, vote possible
6:00 p.m. Call Meeting to Order, Review Agenda, Public Comment (none), Review Minutes: 4/23/24, 4/24/2024
6:30 p.m. Annual Town Meeting—planning and review with Moderator, Town Clerk
Other Business
6:00 p.m. Call Meeting to Order, Review Agenda, Public Comment (none), Review Minutes: 4/16/24 Select Board waived the rental fee at Jacobs Road for a Meet the Candidates event 6:15 p.m. BroadBand Update—MLP Manager, Sheila Litchfield, with MLB members
Operating Budget (Article 3) - FinCom approved Article 3 with 1 small change amounting to $1000 on Community Hall Maintenance & Utilities Capital Expenses - Part of the Warrant Annual Town Meeting Warrant Articles—vote possible
Grants --Approved by the Select Board
Town Nurse Job Description—Not done Community Hall Windows Fundraising—update: $14,302 on donations so far New Items Accountant has submitted a letter of resignation. Marie Forester resigned from the BUC due to a change in her schedule. Heath Arts Exhibition requested to close the road in front of Community Hall for the Sunday of the Exhibition. SB approved. 6:00 p.m. Call Meeting to Order, Review Agenda, Public Comment, Review Minutes: 4/2/24, 4/9/24
6:15 p.m. Parks & Recreation Committee—Mike Cucchiara, warrant article, current projects
FY 2025 Budget Planning
Capital Expenses Employee Wages - salary changes are part of the latest budget Annual Town Meeting Warrant Articles Budget Discussion with Finance Committee, as needed.
MTRSD Agreement Articles:
Community Hall Windows Fundraising
Select Board and FinCom left as friends despite some hotly discussed items. Items 6:00 p.m. Call Meeting to Order, Review Agenda, Review Minutes: 3/26/24 6:05 p.m. FY 2025 Budget Planning—with Finance Committee and Accountant Operating Budget (Article 3)
There was a lot of discussion about how to fund these expenses and below have not all been finalized.
MTRSD Agreement Articles & possible meeting
Sue Lively attended a meeting of a newly forming group, A Coalition for Rural Community Stability. This is an important effort focused on bringing the issues facing rural communities to the state legislature. [Add a draft letter] To be verified Left in accounts to use: $164,000 ARPA $60,00 Free Cash $200,000 Chapter 90 These notes are skimpy, I recommend listening to the audio, or at a minimum to the Natalie Blais portion. SB 2024-04-02 N BlaisSectionofAudio.mp3
Full meeting audio: SB 2024-04-02 Audio.mp3 6:00 p.m. Call Meeting to Order, Review Agenda, Review Minutes: 3/26/24 6:00 p.m. Meeting with State Representative Natalie Blais
6:00 p.m. Call Meeting to Order, Review Agenda, Review Minutes: 2/19/24
6:15 p.m. FY 2025 Budget Planning (FinCom requested to wait until next week for mtg). Went over the draft budget worksheet. Discussed building maintenance in relation to rising fuel costs. Salaries: Expressed concern that some employees are below the median, many had not received COLA in some past years so there is a need to catch some people up. Items planned to be discussed with FinCom
MTRSD Agreement Articles & possible meeting
HilltownYouth Performing Arts—review of requests, vote possible
8:20 7:50 6:00 p.m. Call Meeting to Order, Review Agenda, Review Minutes: 3/12/24,
Public Comment - none 6:05: Community Hall/Sawyer Hall—Mold Remediation update
8:58 MTRSD Agreement Articles & possible meeting
["The primary duty of the Animal Inspector has recently become rabies control in the domestic animal population. Municipal Animal Inspectors are also responsible for barn inspections and may be called to assist with domestic animal disease quarantines in the event of an outbreak." --https://www.mass.gov/info-details/municipal-animal-inspector-resources ]
Acronyms & References
. STM 2023 Truck Handout ADA Accessibility of Sawyer Hall SB Public Statement on AT&T Tower Archives
January 2025