Public Comment
There was only one public comment which was a letter from Pam Porter to dispel false impressions concerning foot clinic and learning hub. The letter is available on the home page. Town Coordinator Hilma reported on several issues she worked during the week and asked about needed decisions. Much is covered under topics below such as decision on hotspot, the source for funds to pay Carson Ovitt for work at 3 Ledge Road, switch over from analog phones to internet phones at Jacobs Road. Hilma also reported that minimum wage went up to $13.50 on Jan. 1 and that this only impacts 2 employees. Gloria says that expense is built into the budget. The Board voted on the increase retroactive to Jan. 1, 2021. These are my personal notes—for any clarifications or questionable items, please see the approved notes when they become available.
The main topics of the Select Board meeting were (1) use of Jacobs Road during COVID and ensuring COVID safety and (2) how to ensure letters and emails to the Board receive a response if needed and that response is from the whole Board. There was an addition to the Building Maintenance section regarding a failed expansion tank on the heating system at Jacobs Road. Click on Read More to the right below for notes. Notes from 2020-01-05 SB Meeting
Building Maintenance Budget COVID-19 Municipal Protocol, Concerns, Updates Hawlemont-Heath School Regionalization for Elementary Students Heath Historical Society request for 5 Ledge Road Green Communities Grant Click on "Read More" to see notes on these topics. Click on "Read More" for notes on agenda topics:
Building Maintenance Public Comment Period COVID-19 Municipal Protocol, Concerns, Updates Heath Historical Society request for 5 Ledge Road |
January 2026