Woodlands Partnership, mohawktrailwoodlandspartnership
Lisa Hayden, MTWP Administrative Agent provided an update on the work. This is a locally controlled partnership with the state and the federal government. About: "Initiated in 2013, the MTWP is a collaboration between the Franklin Regional Council of Governments, Berkshire Regional Planning Commission, Franklin Land Trust, Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, a US Forest Service Liaison, and the MTWP Advisory Committee. The formation of an Advisory Committee to help oversee the project was a key recommendation from a series of community meetings held in 2014 to gather public input on the project. The MTWP Advisory Committee has met regularly since 2014 to craft a project plan, the State legislation, and a draft business plan and governance structure. The Committee is comprised of representatives from 19 of the 21 towns and regional organizations representing land conservation, economic development, forestry, regional planning and the environment." Mike Cucchiara spoke about gains from grants:
Existing Select Board roles will not change: Sue Lively: Landfill Rep, Regional Kennel Rep, Council on Aging Brian: FCCIP Rep, FRTA Rep, FRCOG Rep, Licensing Board, Heath Herald Correspondent, Conservation Commission, Energy Advisory Committee. FCCIP (Franklin County Cooperative Inspection Program to share inspection resources), Robyn: HWY Liaison, Emergency Planning Rep, SB Chair Other positions were reviewed for appointment and openings. Some discussion on following committees and positions:
Town Buildings & Offices—public information meeting recap
6:30 p.m. MLP Backhaul Cost Sharing Agreement
David Gordin reported on the work of the MLP (Heath Broadband) to provide redundancy for the broadband network. The towns of Heath, Rowe, Charlemont, Colrain, and Leyden have worked together on a 5-town agreement and obtained $400,000 from the state to build the infrastructure. Sheila Litchfield and Sue Lively gave Dave Kudos for guiding the MLP so well through the process. The $400,000 grant is the second highest awarded in the state. 7:00 p.m. Public Information Meeting about Library Relocation This was an hour and a half where people were able to ask questions and express their feelings about the relocation of the library operations to Jacobs Road. Some of the discussion points are in the bullets below, but interested persons should listen to the audio tape starting at about the 2:10 position on the tape.
January 2026