Minutes from the Select Board page: townofheath.org/files/SB_2021-08-10_approved_minutes.pdf
Called to Order at 6:01 p.m. with Robyn Provost-Carlson, Susan Lively, Brian De Vriese and Hilma Sumner, Town Coordinator, in attendance. Other Attendees: See attendance sheet. Review Agenda: Added: finding parent for HRST. Public Comment:Bob Gruen read a comment expressing his view that there should have been forums for town’s people to discuss their opinions about moving town offices to the municipal building on Jacobs Road. He read the content of ATM Article 24 and remarked that these public forums proceeded other significant votes such as building the school building, closing the school and construction of a municipal safety complex. Kate Barrows introduced herself to the Board as the newly hired Library Director. She remarked that she is excited about the position and the opportunities it involves. David Travers, chairman of the Building Facilities Committee, stated that the Committee has completed its second report and asked the Board to wait for this new report before making a decision about the location of town offices. Review Minutes: On a motion by Susan Lively and a second by Brian De Vriese, the Select Board unanimously voted to approve the minutes of July 27, 2021, as amended. Senior Center Coordinator Job Description: A member of the Council on Aging will meet with the Board on August 23rd to review suggested changes. Board of Health Resignation: After reviewing a letter of resignation from Henry Godek, on a motion by Susan Lively and a second by Brian De Vriese, the Select Board unanimously voted to accept with regrets the resignation of Henry Godek from the Board of Health, effective immediately. Hilma will contact the Board of Health and ask that they bring a proposal for someone to be appointed to fill the vacancy. Salt Shed: No updates as Robyn is waiting for more pricing information. Fire House Condition: Robyn met with the Fire Chief and other firefighters to view the conditions of the building. There continues to be more mold in the fire garage portion of the building. There is a need to get the air circulating with better ventilation and exhaust. The raccoon is still taking up residence in the overhead area of the EOC office amongst unused items that have been stored there. Because of urine stains, the ceiling and possibly rafters will have to be replaced. A person cannot remain in the office space for very long because of the mold and urine. Treasurer Interview #1: The Board interviewed Terry Green as a candidate for the position as Treasurer. Hilltown Theatre Lease Request: No update. Heath Art Show: Barbara Gordon, Heath Cultural Council chairman, discussed the letter she had written asking if the Board would sponsor the Heath Art Show for this year so that there will be insurance coverage. The Board stated that the organizers and volunteers would need to adhere to the current COVID-19 protocol as determined by the Select Board. On a motion by Susan Lively and a second by Brian De Vriese, the Select Board unanimously voted to approve sponsoring the 2021 Heath Art Show. Barbara volunteered to communicate the Board’s decision to the Art Show committee and request for adherence to town COVID-19 protocol. Treasurer Interview #2: The Board interviewed Tracey Baronas as a candidate for the position as Treasurer. The Board agreed that references for each of two applicants for Treasurer will be contacted and the Board will meet next Tuesday, August 17th, to discuss the two applicants and possibly make a decision for offering the position to one of the applicants. COVID-19 Protocol:Office reopening/relocation: Brian, Tim and Hilma will continue discussing the space needs for each town office. Plans need to be made for what will be needed for the Police Department and the EOC to move. These plans do not negate the desire for the Board to address the needs of each of the town buildings although right now any construction project would be very costly. Hilma will email the Library Trustees to update them on the plans that the Board is discussing for the office move. Transfer Switch at 18 Jacobs Rd.: The electrician is waiting for National Grid to be onsite so that the final connection may be made to the switch. Town Building Protocol: The Board agreed that the protocol will remain the same with the request for masks to be worn inside town buildings. Building Use Committee Overview: On a motion by Susan Lively and a second by Brian De Vriese, the Select Board unanimously voted to approve the revised Overview and Charge of the Building Use Committee. The Board will review this document in another six months. Building Facilities Committee Overview: Hilma will send the document to the committee for review and comment. Green Communities Update: Brian worked with Roger Harris to provide measurements and other information so that Roger could complete his proposal. Nothing is finalized yet. The final report of the Solar Feasibility Study needs to be received and the final invoice received so that it can be submitted for final payment. Parent for HRST: Hilma reported that she has placed a phone call to a parent and is waiting to hear back Staples Business Account: Hilma has not heard from the Staples account person. Broadband Budget Report: The Board agreed that they have questions about certain aspects of the report. They will send their questions to Hilma for compilation. It was suggested that the Municipal Light Board and the MLP Manager be invited to a meeting in the near future to discuss the report. Paper Shredding Event: The FCSWMD sent out a letter of inquiry to towns asking if there was any interest in holding and paying for a portion of the cost. The Board requested that more information be obtained before a decision was made. Town Coordinator’s Report:
New Mail:
Next Meeting:August 17th: Evaluation of Treasurer applicants, parent appointment, BoH member appointment. August 23rd: 5:00—7:00 p.m.: Sr. Center Coordinator job description review with COA member September 7th: HRST appointment On a motion by Susan Lively and a second by Brian De Vriese, the Select Board unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting at 8:57 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Hilma A. Sumner Town Coordinator
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