COVID Employee who has come in direct contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID.: That employee can return to work if tested at least 5 days after exposure with a negative result, (2) has no symptoms, and (3) is fully vaccinated, If not, employee needs to stay out of work for 14 days. Council on Aging (COA) Meeting with SB {approx 35 mins] COA Survey The COA surveyed all persons 60 years of age and older to determine wants and needs. The survey had a 70% response rate. One outstanding response was seniors want more interaction with all age groups. There were also many offers to volunteer. Senior Program Coordinator The COA would like to revamp this position to make increased use of this position. Need to understand the role regarding supervision. If the position is funded by the town and it needs to go to town meeting next May to be voted on. If the position is funded by a grant ,then the COA can advertise the position for the length of the grant. A town employee ultimately reports to the SB, but some level of supervision can be granted to others. The COA and BoH need to coordinate efforts for services for seniors. Axon Properties, Alchemy Cannabis, Inc. [approx. 1 hr] Mark James - Atty for Axon Nicole Costanzo - Atty rep for town The contract on the Bellor Road property expires next Wednesday, November 24. Axon is seeking a signed Developer Agreement and Host Agreements by then in order to move forward on the purchase. This was a lengthy discussion. The Select Board had limited time to review a Developer agreement that was introduced this week. The agreement would allow the developer to enter into additional host agreements using the same terms and conditions as the first four without having to go back to the Select Board. The Select Board felt this should not happen without restrictions and not be open ended The Select Board agreed to meet Friday at 10 AM to review updated documents from the discussion. They may schedule a meeting for Monday if needed, hoping for agreements that they can vote on by Tuesday at the latest. [If you would like to comment on this topic, go to the new page: News & Views} Community Impact Fees
Office Partitions
Quote requested, waiting for response. Generator Propane tank installation – town legal said town could not enter into proposed long-range contract for installation, so town is now seeking quotes for installation. One company has already come to look and more quotes anticipated next week. 8A Bridge Jeff Johnston waiting for response from state engineer as to when they will be back to reinspect. Hilma crafting a letter to Mass DOT to express the urgency of the bridge repair. Jeff will be putting up signage to make bridge one way to prep for plowing. Sue would like signage to be more visible. Burrington Bridge Brian spoke with Carl Ayers who said a Notice of intent is coming. Brian will need to schedule a Conservation Commission site visits. Green Communities Community Hall: Brian meeting Roger Harris and two contractors on Thursday, November 18. Energy Advisory Committee is posted for Thursday night, but may not have a quorum. Post Office Substitute Need more substitutes to cover Charlene's time away. Bill Fontes was appointed. Letter from a concerned citizen regarding Bellor Road land sale and cannabis operation demonstrating the need for the upcoming Community Outreach. SB needs some kind of a statement and it should start with the town meeting vote two years ago to allow for a cannabis business in Heath. This led to more discussion about communication with the community. Communication with Community
SB voted to accept $4200 as required. Executive Sessions:
11/19/2021 08:36:57 pm
Regarding the 8A bridge--It's already supposed to be 1 lane!!
11/19/2021 09:37:47 pm
I always wondered because who would dare try to pass anyone on it anyway.
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January 2026