Public Comment Doug Mason spoke regarding a personal donation of a commercial stove for the Community Hall. The Select Board in a later part of the meeting approved the donation. There will be some costs associated with installation which will be covered by available grant money. Betsy Kovacs informed the Board that every Thursday night a reverse 911 call will go out that identifies private links to the FRCOG website where available vaccinations are available in Franklin County. Robyn reminded attendees about the rules for Public Comment period and noted that community members can schedule time for longer discussions than are allowed during Public Comment. Rentals
Board wants the Building Use Committee (BUC) to provide fee recommendations for long term use. BUC already has fees for short term use. COVID-19 Municipal Protocol, Concerns, Updates Hotspot is open to Heath residents, taxpayers, and their guests. Northeast IT Extensive discussion about hardware upgrades of desktops and laptops covered by Part 1 of a Community Compact IT Grant. Questions was asked if any CARES Act funds were left for computers. Need to check all accounts and contracts to determine finding. Part 2 is a software Office 2019 upgrade and licensing on town owned computers. There will be improved compatibility and performance when connected to high speed internet The Select Board approved both proposals of $6137.79 and $8034.00 with funding to be taken from Community Compact Grant. Parks & Rec Land Purchase Wants to move forward on purchase of land abutting the Shapiro land on Burnt Hill, all expenses to be covered by a grant. It’s not clear from the map provided that the parcel abuts both the Shapiro land and the Catamount State Forest in which case an easement woold be needed to provide that desired link. The discussion will be moved to the net Board meeting to allow for some investigation. Green Communities Update Community Hall insulation was discussed, and tech school will be installing LED lighting at 18 Jacobs Road. Solar on hold due to governor veto. Municipal Light Board Making an effort to get people to sign up for Broadband by March 12 is ongoing. Two openings on MLPac committee and there are four possibilities. Brain would like to see qualifications for each of four possible candidates. Vote will be next week when all qualifications come in. Town Coordinator Report
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January 2026