Public Comment Mary Holan expressed concern about the cost of broadband and moving employees to Jacobs Road and then back after the pandemic. FinCom Portion of the Meeting
Building Maintenance
Community Hall: Brian reported that two insulation bids have been rec,eived— $27,000 and $13,900. The Select Board voted to accept $13,900 which was close to what was expected. COVID-19 Municipal Protocol, Concerns, Updates
Mail & Email Protocol – Robyn to try to get policy out for review Hawlemont Regionalization — Not much on this except Hawley is eager to move forward on regionalization. Other Business — The Select Board approved $120 from the Jacobs Road Revolving Account for an online calendar for scheduling use of Community Hall and Jacobs Road. Hilma verified that there was a minimum of $1500 in the account from the Tri-Wire rental. MLP Portion of the Meeting [Note: This was somewhat difficult to follow as the Select Board had information that was either not on the MLP or the Select Board web pages or not easily found. I will try to put the audio portion of the meeting on the web page.] Anticipated borrowing on a $450,000 loan was under consideration. There was a discussion about whether to borrow the full amount at once, or to borrow smaller amounts over time. MLP manager, Sheila Litchfield, reported that bills for approximately $100,000 are coming in almost every week. She noted that Broadband is a $4 million project. Since it takes 3 to 4 weeks to get money Sheila wants to proceed with borrowing. Costs mentioned:
Small Bridge on Route 8A – Jeff Johnson has been working for some time on proposals coming into the highway department. Progress is being made. Green Communities — No updates. Email Received BoH (Board of Health) – Brian addressed an email from the Board of Health which opined that Sawyer Hall was COVID safe. Brian stated that the email had little basis in fact. He disagreed with a number of the assertions in the email, reiterating that he had already enumerated the benefits of Jacobs Road as a safer environment that follows existing safety guidelines. Brian indicated that the email, while purporting to represent an official position of the Board of Health, contained biased opinions that in actuality furthered “Save the Center” agenda. Gloria said that the Select Board welcomed opinions. Robyn and Brian agreed, but both indicated that town boards and committees should not represent personal opinions as official positions. The Select Board decided that this email required further discussion. BoH- There were emails with a common theme of concern or complaint that the Select Board should be reaching out to the BoH, Select Board to generalize the nature of the emails and send a response to the BoH. Broadband - Questions about broadband money will be addressed at next Select Board meeting. Resident - Jesse Weigand sent an email on his constitutional rights about the fact that no vote was taken on temporarily moving employees to Jacobs Road during the pandemic. Select Board will respond in writing. Town Coord Report
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January 2026